Friday, October 20, 2006

Ant Uppercase Lowercase mystery

If you used Ant to build your project on Windows and ever had your supposedly uppercased directory name in your war file turned to lowercased directory name, here's the thing: it's not ant. It's winzip.

Here's the note from ant:
"We regulary receive bug reports that this task is creating the WEB-INF directory, and thus it is our fault your webapp doesn't work. The cause of these complaints lies in WinZip, which turns an all upper-case directory into an all lower case one in a fit of helpfulness. Please check that jar xvf yourwebapp.war shows the same behaviour before filing another report."

Monday, October 16, 2006

Google Code Search

If you want to search for code example that uses a specific code, google now has a tool to help searching for what you need. It's quite neat!
Mind you it will only search for public source code.

Try, for example a search on HelloWorld and see what you'll find.