Here's a snippet of codes using DKDDO and DKLobICM to retrieve a document using PID string from content manager:
public void retrieveDoc(String pidString) throws Exception { if(pidString == null || pidString.trim().length() == 0) { throw new Exception("PID string is null - nothing to retrieve."); } DKDatastoreICM dsICM = getDataStore(); DKDDO ddo = dsICM.createDDOFromPID(pidString); DKRetrieveOptionsICM retrOpts = DKRetrieveOptionsICM.createInstance(dsICM); retrOpts.baseAttributes(true); // Get Base Attributes retrOpts.partsList(true); // Get the parts retrOpts.resourceContent(true); // Get the document content ddo.retrieve(retrOpts.dkNVPair()); // Retrieve from content manager // Get the Dynamic Data Objects (DDO) parts DKParts parts = null; short dataID = ddo.dataId(DKConstant.DK_CM_NAMESPACE_ATTR, DKConstant.DK_CM_DKPARTS); if (dataID != 0) { // parts = (DKParts)ddo.getData(dataID); } else { // The namespace or data-item name (parts) is not found throw new Exception("The document parts not found for pid: " + pidString); } // Get the base ICM content from the parts. DKLobICM icmBase = null; if(parts != null) { // Iterate through the parts. // Whoever develops the IBM java libraries isn't a Java guy, probably a C++ guy // All Java developers know Class names started with a capital letter. dkIterator iter = (dkIterator) parts.createIterator(); while (iter.more()) { DKDDO d = (DKDDO); if(d instanceof DKLobICM && ICMBASE_OBJECT_TYPE_STR.equalsIgnoreCase(d.getObjectType())) { System.out.println("Found ICMBASE object with mimeType: " + ((DKLobICM)d).getMimeType()); icmBase = (DKLobICM) d; } } } // Did we find the ICMBASE object? If yes, and it has content, write it to an external file. if(icmBase != null) { byte content[] = icmBase.getContent(); if (content != null) { OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(new File("testdoc2.tiff")); os.write(content); } } else { System.out.println("Oops... can't find the document with pid: " + pidString); } }Off course the entire code set is more complicated. This is just snippet after all.